
WCAJA is a professional association of accredited Jungian Analysts, also known as Jungian Psychoanalysts, residing in Western Canada: British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba. We are a non-training group member of the International Association for Analytical Psychology (IAAP). Analytical Psychology refers to the concepts, theories and psychodynamic practices developed by Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961). The field of Analytical Psychology continues to expand and evolve through post-Jungian research and publication about theory and practice.
There are today many “Jungian-oriented” approaches to therapy. However, Jungian analysis as put forward by Jung himself is practiced only by accredited Jungian analysts who are graduates of an IAAP recognized training institute. For more information and a list of accredited analysts, go to https://iaap.org/group-members-societies/
Jungian analysis is the therapeutic process of encountering, re-membering and living from the depth both within oneself and the world.
All WCAJA members are certified graduates of an Analytical Psychology education and training program that is approved by the IAAP. Only those persons who have membership in IAAP may practice under the title of Jungian Analyst or Jungian Psychoanalyst.
- To guide and ensure professional standards of practice for its members through its Requirements for Membership and Code of Ethics.
- To provide professional development and peer support for its members.
- To offer public education and enrichment for all who are interested in Analytical Psychology (also referred to as Jungian Psychology).
- To help professionals who are interested in enhancing their clinical skills and knowledge of Analytical Psychology.
Inquiries about Code of Ethics and Requirements for Membership in WCAJA are to be directed to our Vice President. Contact Us.