Brief History of Origins
A small group of Jungian Analysts in British Columbia organized themselves under the Society Act of B.C. in 2000. Calling themselves British Columbia Association of Jungian Analysts (BCAJA), the group was elected into the non-training category within IAAP in 2001, at its International Congress at Cambridge. However, a few years later BCAJA was in a holding pattern due to the loss of several members. Three of the founding members died and another three moved elsewhere in Canada.
Discussions began between Jungian Analysts practicing in Alberta and some Analysts from BCAJA. Yearly joint meetings were held, alternating between Alberta and British Columbia. In 2008 it was decided that we would change the name from British Columbia Association of Jungian Analysts to Western Canadian Association of Jungian Analysts. This change was officially recognized in 2010, and we opened our membership to Jungian Analysts residing in the provinces of British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba.
In addition to teleconferences throughout the year, WCAJA members organize and attend an annual weekend retreat, held alternately in British Columbia and Alberta. Our meetings address issues related to the organization’s infrastructure, offer professional development and encourage collegiality. A vibrant group, we share a passion for exploring Analytical Psychology in general, and its relevance to our Canadian experience in particular. We look forward to the next stages of our evolution.
INQUIRIES about WCAJA membership, Constitution and By-laws, and Code of Ethics can be sent to the Vice President. Contact Us.