The Western Association of Jungian Analysts (WCAJA)
Is inviting you to
September 27-29, 2024
At the Village Creek Country Inn, Pigeon Lake, AB
Why a Retreat?
WCAJA is an association of Jungian Psychoanalysts in Western Canada who are accredited members of the International Association of Analytical Psychology (IAAP). Part of our mandate is to “offer public education and enrichment for all who are interested in Analytical Psychology (also known as Jungian Psychology)”. This ‘retreat’ will provide an opportunity for integrating a theoretical understanding of some of the concepts of analytical psychology with one’s own lived experience.
For the first time we are offering two weekend retreats, in Alberta and B.C. respectively, in 2024 and 2025 with a focus on some of the fundamental ideas of CG Jung. They are intended for anyone who is interested in Jungian psychology, regardless of whether you are a newcomer to Jung’s thought or someone already familiar with his works and wanting to deepen your understanding of them.
Over the course of the weekend the analysts will present not only some of Jung’s basic and essential contributions to the understanding of human psychology, but will also explore in a more general way the relevance and importance of Jungian psychology in today’s world. There will be ample opportunity for both formal and informal discussion and reflection with the analysts and other participants throughout the weekend.
The weekend will begin with a Wine Reception on Friday afternoon where we will be able to meet with one another before dinner. It will conclude on Sunday afternoon.
The Village Creek Country Inn is found in the village of Pigeon Lake, which is located near the lake. It is a 50- minute drive from Edmonton and about 2 hours north of Calgary. It backs on to a small forest which is an ideal retreat setting with walks in Nature. To learn more about the Inn, go to
Fee*: Early Bird Registration- $350.00 before August 01, 2024
Regular Registration- $425.00 on or after August 01, 2024
Full-time students and Seniors 65 and over will receive 10% off the fee.
*The fee covers conference expenses but does not include the cost of meals and accommodation.
Download Registration Form (PDF)
Download Registration Form (DOC)
Registration is only confirmed upon receipt of a completed registration form and full payment. Your receipt for registration will be included in your Welcome package.
An Acknowledgment of Attendance will be provided at the end of the retreat. This does not give the participants the right to call themselves Jungian analysts/psychoanalysts which is a designation given by the IAAP upon completion of training at an accredited institution but may be used for educational credits if registrants so wish.
Accommodation and meals:
Registrants choosing to stay at the Village Creek Country Inn must make their own accommodation arrangements with them. There is a variety of options, ranging from single and double rooms with or without fireplaces or triple rooms.
“Rooms must be booked by calling 1-780-586-0006 in order to access the group rate. Please indicate you are registering for the WCAJA Weekend Retreat.”
Meals will be catered for our group according to a set menu. Breakfast will be optional.
Please note any dietary preferences on your registration form.
Note: Both accommodation and meals must be paid directly to the Inn at the end of your stay.
Again, they are not included in your registration fee.
Cancellation Policy:
Any registrant who cancels before September 01, 2024 will receive a 50% refund. No refund will be offered for cancellations after September 01, 2024.
If you have any questions regarding the Retreat, please contact Mae Stolte at For questions about payment, please contact Dan Cross at
We look forward to seeing you at the Retreat!